The Snow Child - by Eowyn Ivey

Mabel and Jack decided to find their happiness in the frozen land of Alaska after they lost their baby. One day, a snowman they build comes to life as a child of snow and Mabel and Jack's life changes completely.

The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey

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It was... heartbreaking to watch Mabel and Jack's story. Even though I myself never went through that pain, I have an aunt who went through such loss.
She is fortunate enough to have another, healthy baby that is really a gift from God. That boy is simply perfect.

But my point is, this book helped me see things I could never imagine and also open my eyes to emptiness of such kind. 
I could never understand, and I won't pretend I do. The ending is something that confused me as I was rereading it this time again. But... I still liked it!

The Snow Child was all, heartbreaking, warming, loving and dangerous. The way Eowyn Ivey talked about Alaska, the way she got me wrapped around her finger, eating out of her palm... I was totally lost in Alaska.

If you want to learn more about this book, I'm linking goodreads (EN) and Martinus (CZ).

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About the author

Quoting from the internet: "Eowyn Ivey is an American author based in Alaska. She was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2013 for her debut novel The Snow Child."

This is my first book from her, and since I had no luck or opportunities to get to these books, I do not own any more of her books.

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Technical side

Publisher:     HEADLINE PUBLISHING GROUP, Tinder Press
          Year:     2012
         ISBN:     978 0 7553 8053 4
        Pages:      404, + 12
 Narrator:      the author
     Bought:      ???
         Read:      ???, 23. 07. 2024

Book is divided into 3 parts, under which are different version of "Little Daughter of the Snow" by different authors/translators. There is 54 chapters and an Epilogue.
Parts of a chapter are divided by a snowflake to show a change of time or scenery. Each chapter starts on the right side.

For quotation marks/speech, the book uses ‘…’ which I hate with passion, and what's worse, when Faina was on scene, Eowyn didn't use any kind of quotation or marking, not even italic which made the text confusing at time.

The books contains recommendations of Twelve Books by Alaskans, short story "Little Daughter of the Snow" by Arthur Ransome, as well as 12 "Reading group questions".

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This is my second time reading Eleanor Oliphant. When I picked the book up again, I knew only one thing - I love this book. But sadly, I did not remember anything about it after 4 years.

Most of all, I enjoyed the love between them. Exchanging kisses and showing everyone that even when you're "old" you still love the person you married as the first day you met.
Then, second of all, I enjoyed Esther. She was such a breath of fresh air!

Good characters, great writing, painful story... everything about this was great. But I had my problems with it - I did not understand some things (thankfully), I could not got myself liking the characters of Mabel, Garret and some parts made me upset.

All in all I wholeheartedly RECOMMEND this book.


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Colorful tabs

I... jumped on the wave of "booktok girlies" and I went and bought colorful pens and colorful tabs to highlight some important information, descriptions, funny moments, quotes and sad parts, or parts that I loved.
I got into it so hard, I started doing it with all the books I am reading.

At first it was "scary". I was taught to NEVER write in my books. But they are my books and I want to go through the pages and see what stuck with me or what I considered important. Have it as a bookmark so I can access it anytime I pick the book up and get thrown right back into it.

Because there is nothing sadder about books than not remembering what you loved about it.

So let me pick a few tabs and write them down, and also write down the meaning of some words I learned.

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Page 187:
I've been married for thirty years and have three sons. When you've seen one, you've seen 'em all.

Page 379:

Yes. Yes I'll come inside for you.

Page 414:

You are a stupid little pigeon.

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